Saturday 12 April 2014

Annapurna Krishjeev Speaks

Page 48

It is the pretext of all the self declared good people to stay away from dirty politics. Definitely, there is lot of dirt in the Indian political system. And we cannot disown this, even if we are not active participants in the politics. After all, it is we, who created them. We voted them to power. We gave them the power, the responsibility to govern us. And when they started misusing our trust, we remained silent spectators. If the politicians have degraded today, we - ‘only we the common Indian masses’ - are responsible
I do not blame any political party or any political leader for the current state of affairs. Because, the Constitution entrusted the responsibility of building this nation to WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA.

A common complain that all of us have is that politicians approach us only on the eve of elections and they disappear soon after elections. Do we ever ask ourselves, what we do for five years after voting? Here lie the remedies for all the problems of Indian political system. Because voting is not the only measure of democracy.
The gist of the book is instead of choosing one political party over another; the common man must take guard of the political representatives and see that they discharge their duties and responsibilities efficiently, without misusing their powers.
I have suggested some measures to rectify the system. One of them is that education in India must take a practical approach to Indian Government and Politics.

Another passage, page 50
I do not understand why there should be so much gap between philosophy and practice. Is this distance determinant of our inhibitions? Is it something self created out of our own inactiveness or say laziness? For I feel the distance between philosophy and practice is ever increasing.
Is it philosophy in its enthusiasm of building the eternal world distancing itself from the practice? Or is it practice which is too busy to accept the guidance of philosophy?
My only aim as the student of Political Science will be to bridge the gap between political philosophy and political practice.

In spite of so many complains that we have for our country,
So many problems we face in our country,
We still love India.
Because there is a certain ray of hope in each of us about a better future for India.

I would like to narrate the poem which is the concluding part of my book. I am sure; each of you will be able to associate yourselves with at least a few lines, if not the entire poem.

There shall come a Day

(The title is inspired by ‘We Shall Overcome One Day’)
Finally, I appeal all of you to spare sometime and read this book. The ultimate aim of publishing this book is to initiate a thought process among the educated people in India, about their role in cleansing Indian Politics.

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